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8233 members

57 Circles: January 28th (Ended)

The Tippler, Chelsea Market

Tue, Jan 28th

11:30pm to 2:30am


45 coming

Connect Over Dinner with 57 Circles 


Ever wished there was a more natural way to meet interesting people in our community? That's why we created 57 Circles – where genuine connections happen over great food, without the awkward bill-splitting of traditional group dinners. 


With the help of our community matching system, we're bringing together small circles of creative minds based on shared interests, creative pursuits, and potential synergies!  


🚨 Super important!🚨 The matching doesn’t work unless you fill out your profile by MIDNIGHT on MONDAY. Group cut offs happen at this time. 

  • If you're on mobile, can do so by clicking "More" on the bottom toolbar and then "Edit Profile" 

  • If you're on desktop, click "Profile" on the top left to edit 


Each circle consists of 6-8 people who share common ground but bring their own unique perspectives. Some of the factors we consider: 

  • Creative pursuits and artistic interests 

  • Professional background and industry experience 

  • Community connections and shared contexts 

  • Areas of curiosity and learning 


Start with your curated group, then naturally mix with other circles at the end of the evening at The Tippler.

How It Works: 

6:30-7:00: Check-in & Happy Hour at Tippler 

7:00-8:30: Group Dinner at Chelsea Market 

8:30-9:30: Return to Tippler for mixing 



Please remember your RSVP is a commitment to show up and be part of someone else's circle. There are no refunds after Monday at midnight.